we are  hi production
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innovate & create


Innovation is the process of translating an idea into a good or service that creates value.
At hi production, we do just that for all of our clients.  We create the right product based on our client’s vision and philosophy. Coming
from a variety of backgrounds including product design, event curation and execution,
we use the branding guidelines of our clients and give it a creative twist to produce each item based on the culture
and color of the brand or event.

Innovation is the process of translating
an idea into a good or service
that creates value. At hi production,
we do just that for all of our clients.
We create the right product
based on our client’s vision and philosophy.
Coming from a variety of backgrounds
including product design, event curation and
execution, we use the branding guidelines
of our clients and give it a creative twist
to produce each item based on the cultureand
color of the brand or event.

read more about us

our most recent projectswe are really proud of


Samsung Galaxy Note9 Studio
Samsung Galaxy Note9 Studio


2018 CASS Blue Playground Samsung Galaxy Note9
Unpacked Event


2018 Russia Worldcup
Samsung Galaxy Studio
Samsung Galaxy S9 Studio


Samsung DA EUROCUCINA Event Samsung Galaxy S9


Pyeongchang 2018
Olympic Winter Games
Ultra Music Festival


Samsung Galaxy S8 Samsung Galaxy Note 8


Pyeongchang 2018
Olympic Winter Games
Missha China


Pyeongchang 2018
Olympic Winter Games
2017 Samsung Galaxy Challenge


Shilla Duty Free Concert

all projects

We produce work which formsemotional connections with your customer.

We strive to design and bring to life our products based on our cooperative vision with our clients.
Utilizing in-house network of qualified designers,
we have limitless possibilities of creation.

We strive to design and bring
to life our products based on our cooperative
vision with our clients.
Utilizing in-house network of qualified designers,
we have limitless possibilities of creation.

We are an agency that works around the clock working with experts from all over the world to make each product without compromising on quality

contact us